
For more information about joining the association "Les Peintres du Gaillacois" or about participating in any our activities, please email us by using our contact form below. We will respond as quickly as possible.

You ca also contact us by telephone or simply come along to one our workshop sessions on a monday early vening at 17h00 or on a thursday evening at 20h30. We hope to see you soon!...

See you later...                  


emaill :                 



Telephone :                  06 88 60 32 46


Workshop sessions:     Every thursday from 20h30 to 22h30 and every monday from 17h00 to19h00 except school holidays and statutory holidays

Address :                                             18, rue du Théron

                                                             81600 Gaillac

To contact us, you can  use the contact form below:

Note : veuillez remplir les champs marqués d'un *.

The entrance of 18 rue du Théron is in the dead-end on the left (we share the place with the AVF)

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